An Old Catholic Orthodox Jurisdiction

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  Besides meeting the Spiritual needs of God's Children, our goal is improve the quality of life of God's children in medical and other areas of health, no matter where they are located or what their background or station in life is.  GOD'S MERCY AND LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL!!!

The Church has a unique program where the Church hires foreign Medical Doctors, Nurses, Dentists and other Health Care and Mental Health Professionals and loans them to Catholic Church Missions and other Charity Programs, free of cost to them worldwide.  Then, after a "tour of duty" between one or several months to one year the Church Doctors-On-Loan Program, they return to their home countries to serve the needy of their home country, bringing with them the global experience gained working for the Church in other countries.

Presently, we are working to hire Doctors from different countries to assist in India, Romania, Moldova, Bangladesh, Bulgaria and Peru to improve the quality of medical and mental health care of God's less fortunate children of the world.

If you are interested in either joining our Church Family or working for God in this mission field, we would love to hear from you.  Please go to the Contact Us page and email us.

This program is also coordinated with the Medical Missions of Mercy ("MMOM") Program.

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